ミャンマー・ハイレベル諸宗教使節団による公開書簡 「平和な未来への展望」をミャンマーの人々と共に

You recall Pope Francis’s address to you during his most recent visit to the country. He said that many in Myanmar bear the wounds of violence, wounds both visible and invisible. We are often misguided to think that healing can come from anger and revenge. Yet the way of revenge is not the way of the world’s religious traditions. When hatred and rejection is experienced, we respond with forgiveness and compassion. The present waves of hate speech and incitement to violence on Facebook and other social media violate the fundamental spiritual principles of tolerance and respect.

We are painfully aware of the suffering of displaced people due to war, violence and lack of security. A disproportionate majority of those fleeing their places of origin are severely disadvantaged, women and children, the newborn and the elderly. We implore the Union Government and all relevant partners to undertake necessary actions to secure peace and well-being for the displaced and marginalized populations. For those who were forced to flee the country, it is crucial to return to their rightful homesteads in order to reestablish their lives with full dignity and security.

It is not enough, however, for internally and externally displaced peoples to simply return to their homes. With the great support offered by the good peoples of Myanmar, these returning members of society should be further integrated by cultivating peace with neighbors, communal participation and representation in local and national governments. This step advances inclusive citizenship, fosters their right to participate fully in communities and systems of government, and secures their renewed flourishing of human potentials and social well-being.

Particularly the plight of all the communities living in Rakhine State has attracted the international attention. Good and laudable efforts are being advanced, including the agreement between Bangladesh and Myanmar on the return of refugees and the invitation to the United Nations to facilitate this process, urging priority to peace, development and education, human rights for all communities in Rakhine State.