ミャンマー・ハイレベル諸宗教使節団による公開書簡 「平和な未来への展望」をミャンマーの人々と共に

Out of fraternal concern for the other family members, let us together exert our utmost effort to find a comprehensive and thorough solutions to the complexities and sensitivities that prevail in Rakhine State. We are of the opinion that the recommendations of the Advisory commission on Rakhine State led by Mr. Kofi Annan regarding the developmental, human rights and security crises in the State provides a framework that needs to be seriously supported. It is indeed heartening to know that the Union Government has agreed to implement the Advisory Commission’recommendations.

Terrorism can never be condoned and we fully acknowledge the duty of the authorities to maintain law and order. At the same time, we are concerned that an excessive use of force in countering insurgency could jeopardize the peace and reconciliation process.

We encourage the Union Government to take full responsibilities for a through and transparent investigation into multiple crimes perpetrated in Rakhine State and elsewhere. We urge the Union Government to include in this effort the entire population such as the Rakhine, Myo, That, Dynet, Kamen and Hindu.
私たちは、ラカイン州や他の州で発生している複数の犯罪に対し、連邦政府が透明性のある捜査を直接行い、全面的な責任を負うことを求めます。私たちは連邦政府に、Rakhine, Myo, That, Dynet, Kamen , Hinduという全ての人々が(社会の一員として)包摂されるよう努力することを要請します。

In search for a solution based upon human dignity and shared well-being and from the perspectives of global responsibility sharing, we call for an international conference with concerned States, United Nations, ICRC and other relevant international actors to address the critical humanitarian issues facing Myanmar. This includes vulnerability of those living within Rakhine State, those suffering in refugee camps in neighboring Bangladesh, and those desiring dignified and safe return to the places they know to be their homes in Myanmar. We call for the exploration of global sharing schemes. The proposed international conference should also address the suffering of people affected by other internal conflicts, including displaced populations from the most recent escalation of armed conflicts in Kachin and Shan States.