ミャンマー・ハイレベル諸宗教使節団による公開書簡 「平和な未来への展望」をミャンマーの人々と共に



A Multi-religious Vision of Peace and Development in Myanmar: A Letter from the World’s Religious Leaders to the Peoples of Myanmar

Dear Brothers and Sisters of this golden land, Shew Myanmar,

It is at a crucible moment in the history of this country that we, as Buddhist, Christian, Hindu and Muslim leaders from Myanmar and across the region, come to you in solidarity with hope for peace.

We stand together now at a crossroad where the future of this nation will be determined. Through the relentless efforts of innumerable men and women in this great nation, you have striven to overcome suffering and heal the wounds of the past. Myanmar showed to the world that people once enemies could sit together in the parliament and a peaceful transition of power was possible.

We share with you today the vision of a future, one which is based upon Myanmar’s rich history and tradition of multi-religious and multi-ethnic coexistence. This future harbors a relationship of respect and sustainability with our environment, compassion and appreciation for fellow citizens of the country, and a sense of community with neighboring countries and within the international community. At the deepest level, this promising future is secured upon the values and virtues of compassion shared well-being and justice imbedded in Myanmar’s great religious traditions.