ミャンマー・ハイレベル諸宗教使節団による公開書簡 「平和な未来への展望」をミャンマーの人々と共に

We share a vision of development in Myanmar, which is built upon the notion of human dignity, human rights and shared well-being. This vision harnesses principles of fair distribution of Myanmar’s resources as a necessary step on the path to national unity. We have witnessed so much wealth going to and enriching only a few. Most conflicts involve issues of who controls resource. The future of Myanmar depends on its commitment to and capacity for transparency and sharing in the use of resources.

At the very foundation of sustainable peace is respect for and realization of human dignity, the undeniable and sacred essence rooted in our nature as human beings and as peoples. As we shed light on the shared tragedies facing many under-represented and disadvantaged populations of Myanmar, we urge all peoples of faith and good will to support the unfolding vision of peace, rich with diversity, equality, respect and dignity. We praise initiatives taken by local communities to advance social cohesion.

You recall that the profound spiritual heritage of Myanmar is expressed in the teachings of the world’s great religions practiced in the country. Buddhism teaches that “hatred can not be ceased by hatred, but by compassion.” Christ preached “you have heard that eye for an eye and tooth for tooth, but I say pray for your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” Hinduism teaches us to be “free from attachment and without hatred to any creature,” while Islam calls us not to “let the hatred of others to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice.” The shared message by all the world’s great religious traditions is not to repay vengeance with vengeance but with compassion and reconciliation.